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woensdag 27 oktober 2010

Gundam 00: A wakening of the Trailblazer

So. as the name implies were talking about the already in cinema's released movie: gundam 00: A wakening of the Trailblazer. During my last visit to japan, i thought that it was an unique chance and also a nice experience of seeing an anime that i love with all my heart on a theatre screen. It was gonna be my first time not only in an Japanese cinema but also seeing an anime in all its glory. 
So i asked my Japanese friend if he can look for some cinema's in the area. I stayed at the Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku, (a 3 minute walk to Shinjuku-station) so there were enough places in the area. He told me to go to piccadilly Shinjuku. which actually is located in kabukichoo but no worries. So we went there early in the morning to get tickets for the movie at 14:40. When we came there around 12 o'clock we saw that the tickets for that time were already sold out. but tickets for 19:20 were still available. So we decided to go for it. I was really amazed by how fast the tickets were sold, here in Holland one can easily walk in and buy a ticket for any movie still in its first week. I was also pretty amazed by the prize, 1800 Yen... that's about 17 euro's. but i had to see it! after walking around in shinjuku some more we returned to the cinema and got to the theatre room C,10. 
When we entered the room i got myself a limited edition card with a scene from the movie displayed. really funny and a good reminder to the great movie i was going to see. we got to our seats first so made a picture of the still empty room:P within 2 minutes everybody was in and seated. some of the trailers started, and eventually the movie itself. I will not go into details about the movie because it might be a spoiler for some;). But i can tell you this. If you are a Gundam 00 fan or any gundam fan at all, then you will love this. The movie was filled with some epic battle's. which were in every detail perfect. And even i (who's japanese language skills is still not at the "normal" level) could make a story out of it. During the credits at the end, the song Qualia from UVERworld made a deep impression on me. The song is very gentle and quiet, so you could hear that the whole room was silent with people sharing that impression. As with all anime after the credits there is always a last word or any scene about the movie. So instead of walking out there everybody just watched the credits as if everybody knew:P. My friend wanted to stand up and walk out but i said just wait. So the final scene came after the credits, and the lights turned on again. everybody was silent. I have never been to a cinema or theatre where something like that happend. People just sat there staring at te screen, thinking about the impact. So after leaving the room, there was a poster which was signed by all the major voice actors. Really awesome. It took me a while to return to the world of the living because of the impact the movie had on me. I can't wait for the dvd! 

below are some pictures i took;) enjoy

Some nice snacks to go with your movie ticket;)

Standing in line for the tickets, its really funny that when buying the tickets you can choose your own seats by pressing them on a touch screen at the counter.

While waiting we were entertained by quite a long intro of the movie and some parts about previous gundam anime

NOT FOR SALE. I wonder how much this will increase in value;) just kidding.

Dvd to be released 25-10-2010 in Japan.

Review: Zaku II Char ver. 2.0

I think it is about time that i post my first review online.
My first review i ever made is about char's Zaku II ver. 2.0
Because i wanted to photograph the internal frame, and some nice detail, i decided to paint the frame. Which is also a first for me. Even painted the pilot with it ^^.
The boxart was one of the things that attracted me when i baught it in tokyo last year

Lots of decal's and stickers.

Runner A

Runner B

Runner C

Runner D

Runner E
A small char figure included as with all master grades.

Runner F

Runner G

Runner H

Runner I

Runner J

Runner K

Runner L


All the frame parts for the body. Applied some silver paint here and there. Came to look nice

All those years of painting warhammer finally paid off. I think this tiny figure of Char Aznable looks pretty much like the real thing. Took me quite some time though...

Backpack part. Dont really know what the red and silver parts are. But i thought it looked nice.

The finished body frame. Interesting is the cockpit switching gimmick. By adjusting a lever on the back the cockpit can be swayed left or right.

Parts for the backpack. Painted the inside of the thrusters red. Its these small details i think all over the zaku's body that makes it really stand out. Watch for the finished result.

Parts for the head. The mono eye turns when the head looks left or right. Very clever indeed ^^. I saw this before on my MG. Sinanju ver. Ka. but for some reason it doesn't work anymore

Painting the arm wasn't a real challenge. Some nice parts for you to paint in your own manner. Except for the gold parts the rest cannot be seen when the armour is attached. So i wasn't really afraid of overdoing it.

The foot mechanism is really stern and steady. Though basic, it has a real nostalgic feeling to it.

The sole. The only bad thing about gundam markers, is when painting large area's it leaves some stripes even after it dry's.

Parts for the feet.

Finished legs. The grey parts of the frame didn't turn out the way i wanted. But it isn't that bad after all.

Frame parts for the legs.

A finished inner frame. Looked really cool i think. I'm not per se a real Zeon mobile suit fanboy. but seeing the finished frame really made me fall in love with the Zaku II model.

While the legs are thick and heavy, the arms look rather thin and weak.

Keeping the feet on the ground while posing is something i find important. Not only does it looks cool, it makes the model more steady and not easy to fall over.

The Flexibility of the frame is pretty good

The ankle's are even tough enough to let it stand in this position for a long time.

I even painted the inside of the gun mag. you won't see this in any way but i think its a nice unique detail.

Simple but elegant design of the zaku machine gun. Old principle and a 30 year old design but has some good touch to it.

The leg with the painted thrusters. Looks awesome with the colour scheme of the body.

And finally the fully finished model. complete with decals and stickers.

Love this pose... but never seen char do it in the anime ^^

So i hoped you enjoyed my first review.
If you got any hints or tips, whatever... just let me know.
See you next post