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maandag 1 november 2010

Scooter is back!

It actually got it back by yesterday, but since it was kinda busy at work i couldn't post anything. Its been busy like hell these couple of days. I had some banqueting groups from desserts only to starters only... everything went well though. But anyway, the trouble i had with the rear fender was all caused by the chain of my chain lock. A yamaha tzr-50 is a scooter built on a Yamaha R-6 frame, which is a super sport frame. Unfortunately they don't have room for a helmet or any sort of lock. So instead you have some tiny space under the seat where you can actually fit a 1 meter long chain in. Its difficult closing it sometimes and you really have to use force with popping the seat back. This "force" caused my fender (which is located directly under my seat) to break off of its support screws. Also since the mayor power cable for my tail light etc is located under the seat. The connector got loose and caused an overload on the minor power cables. So that explained why it would only lit up when breaking.
Also they changed my spark plugs (still don't know what there for... probably for ignition or something), oiled up my key locks, adjusted my breaks, changed the oil in my gear box, and made a kind note not to place my chain under the seat again XD. So one the driving part she's still the same only the breaks are a bit less reactive. I only needed to squeeze it a little, and now i really have to pull it:P. But i'm already used to it ^^
The damage this time was minor i think. Only 117 euro's. I think if the ripped suspension of the fender would be a problem the bill would be slightly higher.. 
Anyway took some shots from the inside to show where the problem started.
The bottom of my seat. The thick studs you see partially rest on the frame and on the fender.

Its really funny to think that a 1 meter long chain actually fits in there... you can see in the middle, bottom of the picture that rubber protecting the lighting cables was caught up between the support and the studs. Maybe that caused the disconnection? ^^

Anyway its fixed and as seen in these photo's the tail light and fender fit perfectly back in the body work.

I'll say it again... got to clean it...

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